Thursday, August 4, 2011

Follow Friday (13)

 Follow my Book Blog Friday is hosted by Parajunkee.

Q. Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average to avid reader, did it help you deal with a particularly difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?). 


I have always been a reader. My uncle told me recently that I always had my nose in a book when I was young, and it was good to finally see my happy face. Ha!

But, the books that began to push me over the edge was easily the Twilight books. The writing was so beautiful in my mind and I see everything and feel everything so vividly in through Stephanie's words. I am in love with them.

 But, they were not the ones to put me into my obsessed, blow my mind book reading that I do nowadays. The Mortal Instruments sent my mind spiraling into enchanted oblivion!

 .... yeah I know, a little over dramatic. 

I am in complete and utter love with these books. Cassandra Clare writing really... hit the spot for me. She is intellegent, witty, snarktastic! I am in love love love with these books. And, I am just dying for the rest of the series and the movie =) 

I have also always wrote short stories, poems, that sort of thing. Nothing really ever stuck. I never knew exactly what type of story I wanted to tell or really what my writing style was. After reading the Twilight and Mortal Instrument books, I suddenly had insperation. 

All at once, my characters began to come to life, my world shaping itself, and my plot twisting. So, yes, these books are my absolute inspiration and push for my own YA novel.

Still under construction, just waiting to sneak quietly and entirely into your avid readers minds. 

 What pushed you over the edge?? 


The Scarf Princess said...

Twilight series seems to be a popular answer. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to visit me whenever you get a chance.

melannie (: said...

Ahh quite popular those series there!
But back in the day I remember loving them,
kinda makes me want to re-read.
TMI especially 'cause I absolutely looooooove Simon Lewis <3

Following back! (:

have a great weekend!

Bailey said...

I can totally see why both of these series got you into reading! =D Loved Twilight when it first came out and I devoured the Mortal Instruments.

New follower! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! TMI series! Twilight too. new follower here.

my FF:

Obsession with Books said...

Hi & Happy Friday!

It was Twilight for me as well..

My FF,

Have a nice weekend.

Amanda Welling said...

New follower :) Twilight series sure is popular this week! Good pick!

Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

Nice choices.

aparajita said...

TWILIGHT and TMI are my favourite too :) (Well new favs.)

New follower
Check out my FF@

Anonymous said...

I loved Twilight and it also influenced me in a way!

Here is my FF/Hop: Pawing Through Books

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. Yay for Twilight. Definitely a key book for me. The TMI books isn't one of my most influential series but I do love them.
My Hop

Unknown said...

Old follower, hopping by! I love Twilight and it was when I truly got into YA! I really like your blog layout! It's super cute :) Happy Friday!

Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

Anonymous said...

After such Praise I really just have to read Immortal Instruments. I know what you mean about Twilight. same effect in me even though I was at least 12 - 15 years older than intended audience at the time. LOL FF:

Anonymous said...

damn right about cutest blog...LOL

Unknown said...

Great choice of series! New follower...hope you get the chance to visit back

Unknown said...

Thanks guys! I am really glad that all of you like my blog =) I try, I try. Lol